Executive branch agencies, boards and institutions in-scope for IT Investment Management (ITIM) Governance and Oversight are required to have a CIO-approved IT strategic plan on file with VITA. A link to a list of agencies required to do an ITSP is in the blue navigation box at the left. IT investments must be approved for inclusion within the agency's ITSP before an agency can proceed with obtaining these IT investments via either the procurement or project management process. It is the AITR's responsibility to ensure that their agency is in compliance with the IT strategic planning guidance.
Enabling Legislation
§ 2.2-2007. Powers of the CIO.
3. Direct the development of policies and procedures, in consultation with the Department of Planning and Budget, that are integrated into the Commonwealth's strategic planning and performance budgeting processes, and that state agencies and public institutions of higher education shall follow in developing information technology plans and technology-related budget requests. Such policies and procedures shall require consideration of the contribution of current and proposed technology expenditures to the support of agency and institution priority functional activities, as well as current and future operating expenses, and shall be utilized by all state agencies and public institutions of higher education in preparing budget requests.
§ 2.2-2014. Submission of information technology plans by state agencies and public institutions of higher education; designation of technology resource.
A. All state agencies and public institutions of higher education shall prepare and submit information technology plans to the CIO for review and approval. All state agencies and public institutions of higher education shall maintain current information technology plans that have been approved by the CIO.
B. The head of each state agency shall designate an existing employee to be the agency's information technology resource who shall be responsible for compliance with the procedures, policies, and guidelines established by the CIO.
2004 Appropriation Act Language for VITA
Part IV General Provisions of Chapter 4 of the 2004 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I (House Bill 5001)
b. Except for (i) "major information technology projects" as defined in §2.2-2006 of the Code of Virginia; (ii) research projects, research initiatives, or instructional programs at public institutions of higher education, or (iii) any non-major information technology project request from the Virginia Community College System or from an institution of higher education which is a member of the Virginia Association of State Colleges and University Purchasing Professionals (VASCUPP) as of July 1, 2003, requests for authorization from state agencies and institutions to procure information technology and telecommunications goods and services on their own behalf shall be made in writing to the Chief Information Officer or his designee. Members of VASCUPP as of July 1, 2003, are hereby recognized as: The College of William and Mary, George Mason University, James Madison University, Old Dominion University, Radford University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Military Institute, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and University of Virginia.
Types of ITSP Exemptions
1. Higher Education:
On July 1, 2005, Virginia’s public system of higher education formally entered the new era created by the Restructuring Act found in § 23.1-1000 of the Code of Virginia, which grants all public colleges and universities including the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) greater financial and administrative autonomy in exchange for their commitment to meet specific statewide goals. The Act also created a three-tiered system. All institutions, after their respective boards committed to meet the statewide goals included in the Act, achieved Level I status. With certain restrictions, institutions may also enter into memoranda of understanding (Level II) or negotiate management agreements (Level III) with the Governor for additional autonomy in certain functional areas. As a result, Tier '3' schools are exempt from IT oversight and governance from an ITSP perspective. These Tier ‘3’ schools are:
- The College of William and Mary (to include Richard Bland College)
- James Madison University
- University of Virginia (to include University of Virginia at Wise)
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
In addition, Tier '2' schools are also exempt from ITSP requirements. These schools are:
- Christopher Newport University
- George Mason University
- Longwood University
- Norfolk State University
- Old Dominion University
- Radford University
- University of Mary Washington
- Virginia Military Institute
- Virginia Community College System
Because colleges and universities are not part of the Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) agency strategic planning process, the Tier ‘1’ schools do not have to produce an IT Summary Section. Tier ‘1’ schools are under project and procurement IT oversight and governance.
2. Boards, Commissions and Authorities:
Certain Boards, Commissions and Authorities are exempt by from oversight and governance by the legislation that created them. These are as follows:
- Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control
- Virginia Innovative Partnership Authority
- Virginia Port Authority
- Virginia Tourism Authority
While there may not be actual legislation that exempts certain Boards and Commissions from the strategic planning process, they are exempted by the fact that they do not require an actual office. Their support is provided by an agency.
3. Executive Offices:
Certain Executive Offices are not required by the Governor's Office to develop a strategic plan.
5. Agencies Using Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) IT Services:
The Department of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) provides IT Services to the following agencies:
- Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
- Department for the Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing
- Virginia Board for People with Disabilities
- Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired
- Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center
DRS IT Services include IT Strategic Planning, therefore the agencies listed above are exempted from individual IT Strategic Planning.