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Multisupplier Model Information

Multisupplier Model Information Overview

The Virginia IT Agency’s (VITA) goals are focused on creating the best technological ecosystem possible for customers. With that in mind, VITA has built one of the first multisupplier models in the United States.

As current contracts begin to approach key milestones, we are taking an open, in-depth look at performance across partnerships to identify opportunities for enhancements and capitalize on lessons learned.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Focus on Multisupplier Model


Before beginning procurement cycles for infrastructure services contracts, VITA has obtained review and recommendations from industry leading consultants.

Copies of those assessments are listed below, as are reports received from the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC), which provides ongoing oversight to the agency.

View assessment documents and reports

Contract Information

VITA publishes its statewide and infrastructure contracts on the public contracts portal.

The links below are to each contract’s page on that portal, where current contract documents and copies of amendments and notices may be viewed or downloaded. Generally, these are updated monthly, but that is sometimes delayed, particularly when redactions are needed.

View list of contracts


Request for proposals (RFP) for managed public cloud services:

  • The RFP documents may be accessed on eVA

Request for Proposals (RFP) for Managed Security Services:

Request for Proposals (RFP) for Security Operations Services:

Assessment documents and reports

2023: Symbio assessment

In the fall of 2022, Symbio was contracted to complete an independent review of VITA’s multisourcing services integrator and multisupplier model. Symbio completed its analysis using industry information, VITA internal benchmarks and similar partnerships with other state agencies to identify opportunities to refine the model. The assessment was completed in April 2023; materials are linked below. These results are part of an independent analysis and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, nor are any indication of future procurement activities. As procurement guidance is developed, it will be posted on this page.

Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) assessments and reports on VITA including:

2021: Review of VITA's Organizational Structure and Staffing

2020: Update on VITA's Implementation of a Multi-Supplier Service Model

2019: VITA's Transition to a Multi-Supplier Service Model

2015: Consultant Recommendations for Central IT Services

2015: Integris Assessment - November 2015 Final Recommendation Report


Since 2020, the Appropriation Act has required VITA to report monthly on changes to the infrastructure contracts. (That language is currently found in Item 93(D).) Those reports can be accessed on the Virginia General Assembly’s reports website.