This page provides links to special tools used in Commonwealth Project Management (CPM) related activities.
IV&V is a quality assurance process, carried out by an independent third party that was originally developed from a best practice introduced by NASA. IT projects assigned to Commonwealth Project Governance Assessment (CPGA) categories 1 and 2 require IV&Vs per the Project Management Standard. Categories 3 & 4 are optional for IV&Vs unless mandated by the SOA, SOC, CIO or IAOC. The IV&V SOR template has been designed specifically for requesting IV&V services. Below is the IV&V SOR template and the 4 attachments required for IV&V engagements that are noted in the SOR template.
Online Review & Comment Application (ORCA)
The Online Review and Comment Application (ORCA) allows individuals to provide specific comments on draft or published documents. Using ORCA, any person can comment on a document and save their comments to the ORCA database for later review by the appropriate VITA staff.