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IT Strategic Planning

Information Session: ITSP Transformation Phase One 

Writing the Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan is a collaborative effort between the business, finance and IT leaders within the agency. It cannot be written without input and involvement from all parties. The resources responsible for preparing the agency strategic plan must provide input to the resources responsible for the agency’s IT Strategic Plan (ITSP) to successfully write this section. The primary resource responsible for preparing the IT Strategic Plan is the agency information technology resource (AITR).

The ITSP is the primary tool for communicating how agency business needs drive IT investment decisions, and how the agency’s IT investments support the business goals and objectives of the agency and the Commonwealth. The ITSP provides a detailed view of the business value of agency IT investments, identifies the alignment of each individual IT investment to the agency’s service area objectives and performance measures, and provides additional information for each investment (i.e., costs, start and end dates, service area owner, etc.)


ITSP Update Processes

ITSP Components and Requirements

The ITSP has three agency head-approved components that must be completed by all in-scope agencies:

  1. IT Summary Section which now resides in the Commonwealth Technology Portfolio (CTP);
  2. IT Budget Estimation Tables in the CTP;
  3. Appendix A in the CTP

Recertification for CTP Access Requirements


To provide guidance on the review and acceptance procedures for agency appointed agency head/AITRs in the Commonwealth Technology Portfolio (CTP) system.


IT Investment Management Division (ITIMD) requirement to review and track agency appointed agency head/AITRs for CTP.

Statement of Policy:

Each agency head shall designate an agency head/AITR(s) for the Commonwealth Technology Portfolio (CTP) system, and provide the person’s name, title, and contact information to ITIMD via email to ITIMD ( no less than biennially. The agency head must designate at least one resource for the agency head role and one resource for the AITR role in the CTP. Large agencies with multiple projects and procurements in their portfolio will want to designate not only a primary AITR and agency head but a backup AITR(s) and agency head(s) to cover the volume of work as well as to provide coverage when the primary is out.

  1. Sending an email to ITIMD ( from their mailbox, or
  2. Agency head staff send the below sample email to ITIMD ( if the agency head is copied on the email.

This designation must include the person’s name, title and contact information as well as the role they are authorized to perform. All individuals may be included in one email.


Effective Feb. 12, 2021:
Jane Sample
AITR, State Agency Name
Telephone Number
is authorized/re-authorized to perform in the capacity of AITR in the Commonwealth Technology Portfolio.
Effective Feb. 12, 2021:
Joe Sample
Director IT, State Agency Name
Telephone Number
is authorized/re-authorized to perform in the capacity of agency head in the Commonwealth Technology Portfolio.

ITIMD personnel will track each designation and will send an email reminder to the agency head in advance of the time to renew a designee’s authorization.


  1. Constance Scott - Manager ITIMD,, (804) 840-5480
  2. Pat Morrissey - ITIMD Consultant,, (804) 920-5276
  3. Dan Cherkis - ITIMD Consultant,, (804) 356-0277
  4. Alexa Rooney - ITIMD Consultant,, (804) 418-1375
  5. Garry Whelan – ITIMD Consultant,, (804) 933-4821