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eGov Services

VITA's eGov and Virginia Website Solutions (VWS) services offering includes a service advisor offering assistance in selection of suppliers for development, hosting and operations management of websites and web applications.

Services offered

Virginia Website Solutions (VWS)
VWS assists agencies with selecting an approved vendor to develop and maintain websites and provides oversight to ensure approved vendors are delivering secure websites and consistently providing website services. The eGov advisor will assist in determining the next steps and how to use the new statewide contracts to select appropriate suppliers.

Review the VWS service benefits and partnership overview and frequently asked questions. When you are ready to get started, visit the VITA service catalog and complete the online form.

eGov services
VITA retains responsibility for infrastructure governance and is reviewing all hosting requirements and requests for alternatives to the infrastructure provided by the VITA infrastructure services, to include reviewing executive branch agency requests to use the contracts for citizen-facing website/application services.

Visit the eGov Hosting Request Process for information on this service.


VITA has awarded contracts to multiple suppliers for the Commonwealth's electronic government (eGov) websites/applications and supporting services after a competitive procurement process. Awards were made to the following suppliers:

All Virginia public bodies, including state agencies, universities, school systems and localities, can use these eGov contracts. The solution provides for services supporting citizen-facing websites/applications, to include design, development, hosting, operations/ maintenance, full life cycle support and payment processing services. All services must be directly associated with the specific site or application being developed and managed by the supplier. These contracts are available for the procurement of services as part of an entire supplier-provisioned citizen-facing web site/application solution; but may not be used for the procurement of separate independent services.

Individual services for web design/development and operations/maintenance (O&M) are available through VITA's IT contingent labor contract with Computer Aid, Inc. (CAI).

Questions? Contact us! 

For questions or more information please contact: