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How to Request User Changes in CTP

How to Request User Changes in CTP

There can be several different user changes. Examples of some changes (there may be others, this is only an example)

  • Name or email address change.
  • Responsibility / role change (for example: from a PM to a resource on projects or from an AITR to an Agency Head)
  • Read/Write access to a project where someone else is the PM.

Please select which role best applies to you (in your new role if this is a role or agency change). Results below will list the information we need to better assist you.

You selected: AITR, agency head

A CTP administrator will complete account/role change within the application.

Who to notify User requesting a change should notify their official AITR.
Official AITR will send an email to: The CTP administrator at with information indicated below.

For CTP AITR:  copy the existing/official AITR (if not the AITR sending the email), official agency head, ITIMD consultant, ​PMD Consultant and customer account manager (CAM)

For CTP agency head: copy the existing/official agency head, ITIMD consultant, ​PMD Consultant and CAM

Subject line to the CTP administrator should read: CTP Account Change Request - <insert user role & full name of new user>

(Example: CTP Account Change Request – AITR – FirstName Last Name)

Name of person submitting request (if different from user) Full name of requestor
Contact information of person submitting request (if different from user) Include email, phone number, and role (i.e., AITR) of requestor
Name of updated user Full name of user to be updated
Describe what is changing Changing from: 
Changing to: 
Is this a role change? Include who had the role prior (if applicable)
If the new role is that of CTP AITR, verify these items:
  • Has new CTP AITR completed CTP for AITR's training? (Visit Agency IT Resource (AITR) Training for more information)
  • Is the new CTP user the official AITR?
  • Will this user need the ability to provide AITR approvals?
If the new role is that of CTP agency head, verify these items:
  • Has the new CTP agency head completed CTP for agency head training? If not, your PMD consultant will contact you to schedule training.
  • Is the new CTP user the official agency head?
  • Will this user need the ability to provide agency head approval?

You selected: Agency project manager

A CTP administrator will complete account/role change within the application.

Who to notify User requesting a change should notify the official AITR for their agency.
Official AITR will send an email to: The CTP administrator at, copying the ITIMD consultant and project management division (PMD) consultant, with information indicated below.
Subject line to the CTP administrator should read: CTP Account Change Request - <insert user role & full name of new user>

(Example: CTP Account Change Request – Project Manager – FirstName Last Name)

Name of person submitting request (if different from user) Full name of requestor
Contact information of person submitting request (if different from user) Include email, phone number, and role (i.e., AITR) of requestor
Name of updated user Full name of user to be updated
Describe what is changing Changing from: 
Changing to: 
Is this a role change? Include who had the role prior (if applicable)
Confirm completion of the Commonwealth Project Management Overview Training class and Exam 1, and Exam 2 if not PMP (or include waiver)

(Required to manage projects $250K or greater)

Example: Commonwealth IT Project Manager Overview Training completed mm/dd/yyyy, and Exam 1 & 2 passed (or, Exam 1 passed, Exam 2 not required, PMP Certified).

Class Schedules can be found here:  Commonwealth IT Project Manager Overview Training

Confirm completion of CTP class for Project Managers

(Required to manage projects $250K or greater)

Example: CTP Planview E1 for Project Managers completed mm/dd/yyyy.

Class Schedules can be found here:  Commonwealth IT Project Manager Overview Training

You selected: Other

A CTP administrator will complete account/role change within the application.

Who to notify User requesting a change should notify the official AITR supporting their agency.
Official AITR will send an email to: The CTP administrator at, copying the ITIMD consultant and project management division (PMD) consultant, with information indicated below.
Subject line to the CTP administrator should read: CTP Account Change Request - <insert user role & full name of new user>

(Example: CTP Account Change Request – CSRM – FirstName Last Name)

Name of person submitting request (if different from user) Full name of requestor
Contact information of person submitting request (if different from user) Include email, phone number, and role (i.e., AITR) of requestor
Name of updated user Full name of user to be updated
Describe what is changing Changing from: 
Changing to: 
Is this a role change? Include who had the role prior (if applicable)