34.1 General contract administration
34.1.2 Additional IT contract administration functions
Again, depending on the complexity, size and requirements of the IT contract, contract administration may include additional functions or amplified granularity of the functions normally assigned to this role. Some of them may be handled by the project manager. Depending on the type of IT contract being administered; i.e., Solution, Services, Software, Hardware with Maintenance, or Application Service Provider, some or all of these IT contract administration activities may be required:
- Coordinating any escrow agreement renewals and fee payments.
- Coordinating any warranty or performance escalations.
- Coordinating any software license or maintenance agreements/renewals.
- Informing users of software license access/use rights and limitations.
- Interaction with any infrastructure services providers
- Coordinating the return of government-furnished data and information.
- Coordinating the receipt and storage of software configuration documentation.
- Monitoring new software releases.
- Sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the warranty period, ensure that supplier has notified the agency of such expiration in writing.
- Coordinating any required training sessions.
- Coordinating that Agency, within thirty (30) days of the end of each calendar quarter, provides to supplier a report of the net number of additional copies of the software deployed during the quarter. (From the "Reproduction Rights" clause in the contract, if included.)
- Coordinating any required solution demonstrations.
- Coordinating any testing or IV&V activities.
- Coordinating any Steering Committee meetings or updates.
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