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Chapter 23 - Two-Step Competitive Sealed Bidding

23.2 Two-step competitive sealed bidding process options

23.2.2 Uncombined two-step competitive sealed bidding

Using this method, simultaneous technical proposals and price bids are neither requested nor accepted, but rather two separate IFBs are issued. For the first step, the agency issues an IFB for unpriced technical proposals. The objective is to first determine the acceptability of the supplies or services offered. This step evaluates whether the offeror's bid conforms to the technical requirements, but does not determine whether the supplier is responsible. After completing the technical evaluations, the procuring agency, for the second step, will issue another IFB for pricing bids, but only to those bidders whose unpriced technical offers were qualified as acceptable and responsive. The pricing offers submitted in this second step are evaluated and award(s) is then made in accordance with § 2.2-4302.1 of the Code of Virginia to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.

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