7.1 Small businesses, including small businesses owned by women, minorities and service disabled veterans and micro businesses
7.1.8 Solicitation sizing to encourage small business participation
Agencies shall work to identify solicitations that may incentivize bundling and analyze those procurements to gauge their impact on small business suppliers. Agencies and institutions should work to facilitate participation by small businesses, including women-service disabled veteran- and minority-owned small businesses, as well as micro-businesses, through appropriate contract sizing including the use of small business partnering opportunities and the use of small businesses as subcontractors. When appropriate, agencies and institutions may divide potential IT acquisitions into reasonably small lots or packages to permit offers on quantities or services less than the total requirement or project so that more than one small business may provide the needed IT goods or services.
Delivery schedules should be realistic to encourage small business participation, and solicitations should be worded to encourage prime contractors, when appropriate, to subcontract with small businesses.
Additionally, a public body may include a proposer’s employment of persons with a disability as a factor in evaluating the submitted proposal. See Chapter 24 for further guidance on evaluating proposals.
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