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Chapter 25 - IT Contract Formation

25.4 Forming an IT contract

25.4.1 The contract document

An IT contract can be a simple purchase order (PO) and include only eVA PO terms, be based on an invitation for bid (IFB) that has a nominal set of terms and conditions which are non-negotiable, or can be a negotiated agreement based on a complex request for proposal (RFP) process.

VITA has a master library of standard definitions, standard contract clauses and specific terms and conditions that are appropriate for these different IT procurement types -

  • Services
  • COTS Software and Maintenance
  • Hardware and Maintenance
  • Solution
  • Cloud Services
  • Telecommunications
  • License Agreement Addendum for EULA

These terms can be selected for the appropriate procurement type(s) by SCM sourcing consultants through VITA's contract management system during solicitation/contract development.

For other agencies, "major" IT procurements require the use of the requirements found in the VITA Minimum Contractual Requirements for "Major" Technology Projects and Delegated Procurements, while agencies delegated by VITA with authority to conduct an IT procurement are encouraged to use them. These may be found in Appendix A, by following the link to the appropriate VITA SCM webpage: .

For Software as a Service (SaaS) or cloud-based contracts, a mandatory set of cloud terms must be included in the contract. These may be obtained by contacting:

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