24.9 Cancelling the RFP
24.9.2 Cancellation before proposal due date
If an RFP has been issued and the due date has not arrived, the RFP may be canceled. The following procedure should be used in such instances:
A cancellation notice must be posted promptly through eVA and where the RFP is displayed at the time of original release (i.e., newspaper(s) of general circulation and agency website), stating that the decision to cancel the RFP has been reached;
Notice shall also be provided to all agency personnel responsible for receipt and opening of proposals to prevent responses from being unintentionally opened;
Any proposals received should be returned unopened to the supplier;
The reasons for cancellation and/or rejection of any proposal shall be made part of the agency procurement file.
A public body may cancel an RFP, or reject proposals at any time prior to making an award, but may not cancel an RFP or reject a proposal to avoid awarding a contract to a particular supplier. See § 2.2-4319 of the Code of Virginia.
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