24.5 Preparing an RFP
24.5.12 Completing the RFP package
A comprehensive RFP package, including all of the appendices will be assembled by the SPOC with the assistance of the other PPT members. The SMEs will provide the completed technical requirements sections of the RFP and participate in final review of the completed RFP. The business owner shall provide the completed business and functional requirements sections of the RFP and participate in final review of the completed RFP. The SPOC is accountable for a complete, comprehensive RFP package. When finalizing the RFP package prior to posting, the SPOC shall:
- Review the RFP sections submitted by SMEs and the business owner for accuracy, completeness and clarity, assuring the overall quality of RFP.
- Draft the remaining content of the RFP, including general and VITA’s IT-specific terms and conditions.
- Select and include the appropriate and approved VITA IT contract template.
Non-VITA SPOCs shall use their agency’s contract format until they receive training in VITA’s contract template usage or request VITA’s assistance in template training. It is required that agencies use the “VITA Minimum Contractual Requirements for “Major” Technology Projects” matrix for major projects requiring CIO approval and it is highly recommended for use in all delegated IT procurements. The matrix may be found on SCM’s webpage at this location: https://www.vita.virginia.gov/procurement/policies--procedures/procurement-forms/.
(Note: Be sure to include a statement that any supplier redlines to the RFP and terms and conditions should exclude exceptions or recommended language revisions to any provisions regarding liability. This will be requested from supplier only at time of negotiations.) This requirement is due to the following language in § 2.2-4302.2:
“In the case of a proposal for information technology, as defined in § 2.2-2006, a public body shall not require an offeror to state in a proposal any exception to any liability provisions contained in the Request for Proposal. Negotiations shall then be conducted with each of the offerors so selected. The offeror shall state any exception to any liability provisions contained in the Request for Proposal in writing at the beginning of negotiations, and such exceptions shall be considered during negotiation.”
- Route the complete final draft RFP package to appropriate internal, VITA or other reviewers/approvers.
- Lead the PPT in final review of RFP and all attachments.
- Finalize and complete the RFP package, including all attachments, which should be ready to be issued pending executive steering committee approval, if needed.
- Begin documenting issues for negotiation strategy planning.
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